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Message from the President—Finding a Better Way

John Holmes

John Holmes, Manson President & CEO

Manson’s core values remain at the forefront of how we conduct our business. Taking care of people; Doing the right thing; and Finding a better way are ingrained in our organization. They not only define our culture and how we operate but how others in the industry perceive us.

The ability to innovate and adapt to change is core to the success of any business that wants to survive multiple generations. This has certainly been the case for Manson and our success since our inception in 1905.

Throughout the history of Manson, our people have worked hard to adapt our work methods and equipment to meet our clients’ needs, take advantage of new technology and comply with the demands for environmental stewardship.

Our work in Point Loma, CA, now over 30 years ago, is a great example of Manson people finding a better way, in this case, to develop innovative work methods and specialized tools to respond to an environmental emergency in challenging offshore conditions. Our experienced engineers and crews collaborated at Point Loma to prepare a plan that included an underwater foundation screed, a pipe installation “horse” and state-of-the-art hydrographic survey controls. That upfront planning followed by well-executed work led to a successful pair of projects that received national recognition.

Our tradition of finding a better way continues today. In this issue of the Navigator,readers will find examples of our innovative spirit in articles on projects such as the 18th Ave North Ocean Outfall project and the P-443 Pier 6 Replacement project, and this edition’s Department Focus on our Equipment Engineering group. All of these stories have in common an experienced team of professionals, bonded by years of working together, collaborating in a work environment that fosters innovation.

Demands on the marine construction and dredging industries will continue to change. The increased need for more environmental and beach restoration and the emerging offshore wind market are examples that will drive change. In response, Manson continues to develop our people, processes, and equipment as we find a better way to position ourselves for long-term success.

John Holmes, President

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