We are very excited to announce the launch of “A Deeper Dig,” Manson’s new blog.
Manson has been in the marine construction and dredging industry for 115 years, and we have stories to tell.
Over the years, our twice-yearly print production the Manson Navigator — formerly called the Manson Mouthpiece — has been used to tell these stories. It is there we’ve shared everything from project updates and equipment changes, to the birth of an employee’s first child or the retirement of one of the Manson greats.
The upcoming Navigator — which will be in readers’ hands by this Thanksgiving — will take on some changes and a new tone, this is partly to make way for what you will find on the blog.
Additionally, we’ve begun sharing more on our LinkedIn page, including more of our new branding efforts. LinkedIn is a wonderful platform for us to create quick and simple updates which we can easily and directly recognize our employees’ efforts and hard work.
But in the interest of sharing more of our stories, we’ve created “A Deeper Dig.” Here, in addition to finding digitized articles from future Navigator issues, you will find regular updates with articles which can be shared widely with colleagues, friends and family. These articles will span a wide variety including employee spotlights, project updates, and educational and technical insights.
In these articles, readers will find more about what it is to be Manson and to follow our three core values: Take care of people first and always; Do the right thing; and Find a better way.
