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Dynamic Pile Removal-1 (1).JPG

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Dynamic Pile Removal-1 (1).JPG
Removal of 8-Pile and 4-Pile Bridged Complex
Gulf of Mexico
- • Manson removed the structure with the derrick barge E.P. PAUP
• Drill Platform weight: 800 tons
• Water depth: 211 ft.
• Artificial reef creation
This project involved the complete removal and reefing of a bridged 4-pile production platform and an 8-pile drill platform, which facilitated 12 wells. The jackets were permitted for reef-in-place through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Artificial Reef Program. The upper sections of the jackets were severed at 90 ft. below the waterline then the upper sections of each jacket were lifted and placed onto the seafloor at the designated reef site, adjacent to their original location.
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