J.Anthony TedpahogoDec 16, 20243 min readManson Retrofits Cutter Suction Dredge H.R. MORRISManson's cutter suction dredge H.R. MORRIS receives state-of-the-art upgrades.
J.Anthony TedpahogoAug 9, 20243 min readThe Rig Report—E.P. PAUP Gets Network UpgradesManson's IT Department makes improvements to Manson's largest derrick barge.
J.Anthony TedpahogoDec 8, 20232 min readThe Rig Report—VALHALLA Prepared for Hawaii DredgingDB VALHALLA undergoes dry dock before dredge job at Pearl Harbor.
Jimmie CollinsAug 8, 20231 min readFREDERICK PAUP MAKES A SPLASHThe launching of Manson's newest hopper dredge the FREDERICK PAUP.
J.Anthony TedpahogoDec 21, 20223 min readThe Process of Dry DockingA look at Manson's approach to keeping its vessels reliable through the process of dry docking.
J.Anthony TedpahogoJun 27, 20222 min readThe Rig Report—The BAYPORTManson's hopper dredge BAYPORT undergoes maintenance to meet U.S. regulatory requirements.
J.Anthony TedpahogoJun 27, 20222 min readThe Rig Report—The WESTPORTPreparing Manson's hopper dredge WESTPORT for the second season of dredging in Alaska.
J.Anthony TedpahogoJun 27, 20223 min readThe Rig Report—Repowering the NjordManson's derrick barge NJORD undergoes a repower to ensure compliance with California Emission Laws.